
    ● 床身采用高等级FG260灰质铸铁,具有高刚性,耐热性和阻尼特性

    ● MT5主轴鼻端死顶尖工作头,通过伺服电机进行无级变速

    ● 主轴驱动电机通过变频器进行运转控制,配有相应的冷却装置

    ● 砂轮自动修正以及自动补偿; 针对新砂轮进行自动的直径计算

    ● 专用的金刚石滚轮修整器冷却管路; 自动的机床清洗装置

    ● 工作头和顶尖配有清洗装置; 尾座顶尖带有移动互锁


FLEXI F65/1000/1500/2000机床技术参数
DESCRIPTION                                    - 详述 UNIT-单位 Value-数值
CAPACITY                                            - 容量
Centre                                                - 中心高 mm 160
Admit between Centre                       - 顶尖距 mm 650/1000/1500/2000
Grinding Length                              - 磨削长度 mm 650/1000/1500/2000
Maximum weigth Between Centre-可加工工件重量 kg 80
WHEEL SLIDE X-AXIS                           X轴
Slide Stroke                                           - 行程 mm 300
Rapid feed Rate                      - 快速进给速率 m/min 10
Minimum increment / pulse    - 最小增量脉冲 mm 0.0001
Feed Servomotor                           - 伺服进给 Nm 12
Repeatability of  X- axis                       - 重复精度 mm 0.002 
Positioning Accuracy (with linear Scale)定位精度 mm 0.004
Table Stroke                                           - 行程 mm 840
Rapid Feed Rate                     - 快速进给倍率 m/min 10
Minimum increment / pulse    - 最小增量脉冲 mm 0.0001
Feed Servomotor                           - 伺服进给 Nm 12
Repeatability of  Z- axis                      - 重复精度 mm   0.004
Positioning Accuracy(without linear Scale)定位精度 mm    0.008
WHEEL HEAD                                  - 砂轮头
For OD & Face Grinding (with Cubitron 2/3/4)
New Grinding Wheel Dimension 新砂轮尺寸值 mm 500 x 100 x 203.3
Finish Grinding Wheel Dimension 须更换砂轮尺寸值 mm 400 x 100 x 203.3
Spindle motor power (built in type) 1 kw 11
Peripheral ( surface ) speed                线速度 m/sec. 45
for Groove Grinding  (with CBN)   槽磨削
Grinding Wheel Dimension  (for groove)砂轮尺寸值 mm 450  x 32 x 127
Spindle motor power (built in type) 1主轴电机功率 kw 7.5
Peripheral ( surface ) speed                线速度 m/sec. 80
Swivelling Range Automatic B-xis -B轴回转范围 degree  -15 to 180
B- Axis Resolution                         B轴分辨度 degree 5
B- Axis Positioning Repeatability        B轴定位精度 Arc Seconds   ±5
WORK HEAD                                    - 工作头
Centre taper                                   - 中心锥度 No. MT5
Spindle speed ( infinitely variable )-主轴速度(无级变速) rpm 30-600
Spindle motor power               -主轴电机功率 kw 1.5
Motor torque                                   -电机扭矩 Nm 12
TAILSTOCK                                        - 尾座
Centre taper                                   -顶尖锥度 No. MT5
Quill diameter                        - 尾座套筒直径 mm 65
Quill travel                                     - 尾座行程 mm 60
Micro Taper Correction               锥度微调量 mm ± 0.040
DRESSING UNITS           修整(修砂)器
For OD Grinding Wheel      外径磨削砂轮用 安装在主轴头上的刃式(斧式)修整器
HYDRAULIC UNIT                              -液压
Tank capacity                               - 油箱容量 ltr 40
Motor power                                  - 电机功率 kw 0.75
GENERAL                                     整体容量
Operation voltage                         - 操作电压 Volts 3相交流380
Floor space LxB  (without coolant unit)占地面积(不包含冷却箱) mm 长3100 x 3000宽
Machine weight(Approximate) 机床重量(近似值) kg 7000/8000/9000/11000


  • 机械主轴零件

  • 汽、机车传动齿轮

  • 模具

  • 医疗器材

  • 航太零件